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2023 Design-Build Student Competition Now Open

Each year a unique project is chosen to challenge our student design-build competitors. This year’s project is an activity and recreation center on a liberal arts university campus in the United States.

This two-phase competition gives teams from colleges and universities the chance to respond to a Request for Qualifications (the first phase) and a Request for Proposals (the second phase), with the top three teams from the RFP phase presenting their proposals to a panel of industry leaders at the 2023 Design-Build Conference & Expo in National Harbor, MD this November. The competition is impressive and provides an incredible opportunity for young design-builders. Get started by registering your team today!

Project Details, Rules & Deadlines

The National Design-Build Student Competition provides a unique opportunity for students to showcase their collaborative skills as a team to industry leaders while making important connections at the same time. Teams should download our competition documents and rules to get started.

2023 Student Competition Deadlines


April 1

Team Registration

September 4

Letter of Intent (LOI) from Team Faculty Advisor Due

September 6

Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Issued

September 8

Virtual RFQ Meeting—MANDATORY

September 22

Request for Qualifications Due

October 2

Region Competition Winners Announced


October 2

Request for Proposals Issued

October 5

Virtual RFP Meeting—MANDATORY

October 18

Request for Proposals Due

October 26

Three Shortlisted Teams Announced

November 2

Proposal Presentation in National Harbor, MD (DC Metro Area)

November 3

National Competition Winner Announced

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PO BOX 470474

Fort Worth, Texas 76147, United States

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