In this webinar, EPA’s Office of Water Domestic Preference Implementation team will provide practical guidance to ensure compliance with these standards for its SRF, WIFIA, and other OW programs.
Time & Location
May 05, 11:55 AM – 1:00 PM PDT (1:55 PM - 3:00 PM CDT)
About the Event
Join DBIA-WPR Water/Wastewater Committee for a webinar. The Build America Buy America Act, included in the IIJA, states “none of the funds made available for a Federal financial assistance program for infrastructure...may be obligated for a project unless all of the iron, steel, manufactured products, and construction materials used in the project are produced in the United States.” In this webinar, EPA’s Office of Water Domestic Preference Implementation team will provide practical guidance to ensure compliance with these standards for its SRF, WIFIA, and other OW programs. We will also look at examples of how design-build delivery and supply chain volatility can be impacted by these requirements.
Webinar is hosted by the Western Pacific Region Water/Wastewater Committee. There is a followup, no cost registration at Go-To-Webinar for log in. Webinar registration is open to all chapters, members and non-members.
NOTE: Registrants must follow the link in the confirmation email for Go-To-Webinar registration/log in a minimum of 24 hours before the webinar. No refunds will be granted for those that do not handle the webinar access 24hrs prior.
Questions? Contact DBIA-WPR at admin@dbiawpr.org.
Dan-Tam Nguyen – Environmental Engineer EPA Office of Water Implementation
Moderator: Ernie Maschner – DBIA Vice President, Global Water - Victaulic Chair - DBIA Market Volatility and Supply Chain Subcommittee
DBIA Member $45.00
Non-Member $65.00
Owner $ 0.00
Young Professional $25.00
By Thu, May 04
11:00 AM PDT - Access webinar registration on GoToWebinar
Fri, May 05
11:55 AM - 12:00 PM PDT – Join Webinar / Log in
12:00 PM - 12:05 PM PDT – Welcome / Intro
12:50 PM - 1:00 PM PDT – Presentation / Q&A
Contact DBIA-WPR at admin@dbiawpr.org.