12:00 PM
Main Ballroom
1 DBIA Credit Hour (AIA Credits Pending)
In this session, we’ll focus on how DBIA is positioning the design-build delivery method for continued success amidst today’s rapidly changing industry landscape. We’ll explore key industry trends and DBIA’s strategic initiatives, highlighting how our programs, tools, and resources support the evolution of design-build as a resilient and adaptable solution. Additionally, we’ll look at how design-build has stood the test of time, helping the nation navigate periods of uncertainty and crisis, driving success through collaboration, efficiency, and innovation.
Learning Objectives:
Understand how DBIA is positioning design-build for continued success in a rapidly changing industry.
Explore key industry trends and their impact on design-build delivery methods.
Learn about DBIA’s strategic initiatives, programs, and resources that support the evolution of design-build.
Examine how design-build has consistently been front and center through times of uncertainty, driving successful projects and innovation.
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