6:45 PM
Fairway Center Room
1 DBIA Credit Hour (AIA Credits Pending)
Economics are forcing owners, designers, and builders to look for cost savings in materials, timelines, and efficiency. New considerations are being given to economies of scale, prefabrication, modules, and innovative building products. This panel will address pre-fabrication and modular construction in design build projects. The panel will discuss best practices, lessons learned, and the future of prefab and mod design-build.
Learning Objectives:
The current state and future of prefabrication and modular construction in design-build projects.
Key benefits available for owners, designers, and developers who integrate prefabrication and modular construction in design-build projects.
Best practices for planning, contracting, and implementing prefabrication and modular construction in design-build projects.
Lessons learned, contracting, legal issues, and potential pitfalls.
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